Friday, May 7, 2010

Finally Some Before Pics. . . .

I asked my friend Leslie to take some before pictures of me, because I didn't want to have some depressing, badly lit awful pictures of me. :) I don't have negative perceptions of my body as it is now. I like who I am and have every bit of confidence in who I am. I did not want awful, depressing looking before pictures that would give a negative impression of who I know I am. I think, to be successful in any goal in life, not just in training, you have to have confidence in yourself and truly believe that you WILL achieve every goal you set for yourself. I wanted my pictures to reflect that.

These were taken clear back in January. I think towards the end of that month. I can't remember. I can't even believe it's May already! Time has completely lost all meaning to me this year, it's gone so fast!

I haven't made much progess since these were taken. Good ol' life has just gotten away from me and my training goals were put on hold again for the last few months. But. I'm back at it, no worries! :D This week has been amazing. I'll post more on that later.