Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ok. I've decided to separate my family blog and my weight loss blog, since my weight loss is something I'm doing for myself. :) Well, and for my kids. But mostly for me. lol! It just made sense to not combine the two anymore. I will use this blog to post healthy recipes I find, tips I come across, methods and training I use. It will also be a place to vent food frustrations and to write down new goals and track progress. I hope that if anyone follows this blog, it can help them too, if they have their own goals. If nothing else, it will help me keep on track of what I am doing. :)

I have met some amazing people so far on my get fit path. I hate to call it weight loss, because to me it's so much more than simply losing weight. It's about becoming a better me. A more fit and healthy me. Not that I'm an unhealthy slob, or unhappy about who I am. I think it's because I AM happy with who I am inside that makes me so much more motivated to make my outside match how I feel about myself.

My biggest piece of advice on starting on your own path towards changing to a more healthy lifestyle is to find people with the same goals and work together. Surround yourself with people who know how to get you where you want. There are so many groups out there, trainers, nutrition-knowledgable people, doctors even. There are online groups that are free to join. Websites dedicated to sharing information. I'm sure there's even facebook groups! :) As I come across these groups, I will definitely link them here.

And as much as I hate to do it, I WILL post progress pictures. Sigh. This does not please me, but I know in the end it will only help and motivate me. And it will be nice to see the final before and after. I wish I had taken pictures when I very first started, to see the progress I've made so far. Oh well. Life moves on. :)

So here we go. Moving on with it!

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