Saturday, December 5, 2009

Training Report #1

This is the end of the first week of being BACK into training mode. It's not that I haven't cared the last few months. I just let other priorities come first. Work, mainly. I started going into work early instead of going to the gym first, like I was doing before. Which let me leave work WAY early on Fridays, which was nice. But I never did anything with that time on Friday. So I finally (re)decided it was way more worth it to me to get to work a little later, and stay a bit later on Friday AND get my workouts in than it was getting to work early, leaving early Friday and doing nothing with my time. Crazy logic, right? :)

I'd like to preface this with this is only what I do for myself. This is what my trainer and I worked out for me in the beginning when I started training. Not everything works for everybody. DEFINITELY talk to a doctor or someone who knows your personal health before you start pushing yourself. It's important to know when to stop pushing. Injuries will not do you any good. :) And if you push too hard, it's actually counter-productive. 

So, this week I decided my training would be geared to getting me BACK into routine. I gained 20 pounds back of the 40 I originally lost in the last few months. SO NOT COOL. (Thanks a lot Del Taco and Thanksgiving. I can't believe a spicy jack quesadilla did that to me! I thought we were friends! ;) And as I've gone to the gym, I've realized I lost a lot of the endurance I had before. So it feels like I'm starting back at square one. Which is fine. I've been there before, I'll get myself back to where I was.

So here's what I'm doing to get myself back there.

To begin EVERY workout, I spend a half hour on cardio. Either the bike or eliptical. I do 3 minutes at a full out clip, pushing myself as far as I dare go. Then I do 2 minutes slow to bring my heartrate back down. And alternate between the 2 speeds. (NEVER push yourself further than you can go. Passing out is a BAD thing. Listen to your body ALWAYS.) Going this way, my heart rate ever plateaus, and is actually more effective than just doing a half hour at a steady pace. Each week this month, I am working on two main muscle groups in both my upper body and lower body. And alternating between the two each day. For example. This week on Monday I worked my biceps and triceps. Tuesday I worked hamstrings and quadriceps. Wednesday it was back to biceps and triceps, Thursday back down to the legs. After weight training, I work core. Every day.  This week I did 50 forward crunches. I like the machine things at the gym, because I can add weight to it. I had a 5 pound weight to it this week. After the 50 forward crunches, I do 50 oblique crunches, each side. After all of this, I hit the dry sauna. I like to stretch out in there. My trainer told me that stretching out the areas you work will help shape and tone them faster and better. And stretching will allow you to do more. The further you can move your body, the more you can work it. I like to stretch in the sauna because it gives me that extra sweat. Another trainer told me that will also help drop the pounds as well.

I like to hear tips from more than one trainer. It helps me gain a more well rounded knowledge of what I'm doing. And I've found that people are more than happy to share what they know! :) One trainer might do things differently, or have more ideas and ways to work a certain muscle.

Fridays are always swim day for me. I learned how to swim with my face in the water earlier this year, and since then I have LOVED swimming. So for this month I have declared Friday my swim day, so I don't get an uneven number of weight training days on one area. Saturday is straight cardio day. I was going to go to Zumba today, but I was unable to make it to the gym. :*( So I think I'll workout to kenpo x. I have a few of the P90X DVDs that someone burned for me, and I really like the kenpo x one. Ok, it's the only one I've tried so far. LOL! But it makes me break a good sweat and the kids love to do it with me.

So that's been week one. Combined with better eating habits, I have dropped a little more than 2 pounds of that blasted 20 I gained back. I'm on my way!

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