Friday, January 22, 2010


So this has been a pretty exciting week for me. I did the jump start portion of my new nutrition plan and I revved up my workouts. It's paid off! Between Tuesday and today I've dropped 5 pounds. LOVE IT! :)

So for the jump start, you can eat as much protein and raw veggies as you want, with a fruit around 10 and 2, to keep the blood sugar level. You're taking out carbs a LOT with this, so it's important to get that from the fruit. Now that I'm done with that part, I'm starting the 75/25 part. 75% protein, 25% carbs. I have this chart that my nutritionist gave me that breaks it down for me. Otherwise I'd be so lost. lol!

As for training, I've upped my minutes doing cardio from 20 to 25. I really focused in on working 3 muscle groups everyday. This week I did my biceps, triceps and shoulders. My shoulders are fairly weak, so I really need to work on them. With biceps, I hold a 20lb weight in each hand. Sets of 15. Triceps I've got a 15lb weight and do sets of 20, and shoulders I started with a 10lb weight doing sets of 12. Repeat that 3 times. Then I head over to do core. 50 forward, 50 right and 50 left oblique crunches with a 10lb weight.

Then it's off for stretching! I do that in the sauna. There's these 3 guys that are in there everyday the same time I am. They are hilarious. They call me their ray of sunshine. They crack me up! It feels so good to stretch in there, in the heat. Love it.

Today was swim day Friday. I got 25 laps into 30 minutes. That rocked my world! I shattered my previous record of 18 laps. (I count one lap as back and forth across the pool.) I'm going to shoot for 27 laps next week. ;) I was so tired at the end, but it felt so good!

So did the hot tub after. Ahhhhhh!

I talked with my photog friend Leslie, and she is going to help me with my before and after pictures. I'll post my thoughts on that later. lol!

Have a great day!

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